On April 14th, Anton Lourens, managing director of Booyco Electronics, and Kate Collier, partner at Webber Wentzel, will be two of the panellists covering this crucial topic in a Webinar brought to you by Mining Review Africa.
Mine safety legislation is getting progressively tighter as the industry strives towards achieving its objective of Zero Harm. New legislation promulgated by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy requires all mines to take steps to install proximity detection systems (PDS) on trackless mobile machinery to mitigate human and machine related incidents, both at surface and underground.
The pressure is now on, given that Level 9 safety standards must be in place by December 2020. Failing to do so could mean severe action being brought against responsible parties and mine owners.
For more information and to register: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/6760353146289146125